
Showing posts from March, 2017

Horror and Terror - Two letters difference in spelling, a world of difference in practice

Horror and Terror - Two letters difference in spelling, a world of difference in practice The difference between horror and terror (bar the first two letters of each word) when put into practice provide very different results. Terror is best described as the skin crawling dread you feel as you slowly climb the creaking staircase, your mind telling you to run away from the unknown sound upstairs, whilst your body continues its shaking zombie like march up the stairs, desperate to know what is making that unearthly sound. Horror is when you open the door to your bedroom and see that it is your mother shrieking at the pornography you've left playing on your laptop (not a true story, I promise). In simple terms, terror is the feeling preceding the horror. Terror is the foreplay on the way to the big messy climax of bodily fluids all over the walls. The majority of horror movies, rush through the terror, desperate to get to the horror (I think the foreplay and sex metaphor still hol...

"We Have Such Sights to Show You..."

Joe's Little Blog of Horrors  "We have such sights to show you..." Vital Stats  Name : Joe McCormack (Joe Kerr if I ever wanted a stage name, that's it) Age : Endless (or 26) Nationality : British-Australian - with the accent of your typical British villain Job : Out of work law graduate, looking for work in criminal law (think mildly less sleazy Saul Goodman) and currently employed as casual at Myer packing up all your pervy orders of g-strings, bras, minimisers (and that's just the men! Ho, how funny!) Why blog : Inspired by my current audiobook - A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay - and his framing device of introducing each part of the book through a horror blogger analysing the fictional documentary that makes up the bulk of the book.  I've been obsessed with horror from an early age. My earliest memories of horror were things like A Nightmare Before Christmas, the Tim Burton film (but not directed by him, that honour goe...