Hereditary Review - Horror from a long lost generation
From my limited exposure to social media trends and groups regarding movies and reviews, it would seem that Hereditary is either "the worst film of the past 10 to 12 years" (an actual quote, the person said worse than Birdemic...) or "the most terrifying film since The Exorcist" (the boring, go to comparison that gets slapped on any new film out). If you want to cut to the chase on this review, it is neither of these things (particularly nothing like the former, and I don't think The Exorcist is all that jazz so I can't quite compare it to that) but it is a pretty great chiller that plays on classic tropes but delivers them in unusual ways. Hereditary focuses on the escalating woes and horrors suffered by Toni Collette's minitures maker and her family, following the death of her slightly estranged, slightly strange mother. The family group is made up of a stoic, and somewhat playing to type disbelieving dad (Gabriel Byrne), teenager boiling over with a...