Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Review
When people think of superhero movies now it is either the live action banter spectacular of the Marvel films, or the serious, dramatic, grandiose Nolan Bat-flicks (let's not talk of the current state of the DCU barring Wonder-Woman, can't speak for Aquaman yet). Yet both of these superhero visions, for want of a better word, lack the key link to their origins - the style of the comic book. Enter, swinging to win, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, fully embracing its comic book roots to provide you with a true comic book vision. Prior to seeing the film, I hadn't seen a whole lot of it by way of trailers or teasers, only a gathering buzz that this was something special. What made this all the more surprising was that these stellar reviews were about an animated film that wasn't emerging from the established giants in this field: Pixar, Disney, or to a lesser extent, Dreamworks. Instead, this film has the style of an arthouse movie, oozing auteur flare in the vi...